Resist or engage? Effectiveness of personalised online advertising

Personalised advertising is considered to be further enabled by the internet technology as a tool to build more personal relationships between brands and consumers. Personal preferences disclosed by consumers online can help advertisers to create more targeted selling communication which is perceived as more appealing and therefore, enhancing positive attitude and purchase intention towards particular products or brands. In this paper personalisation will adopt the meaning that organisations recognise consumers as individuals through personal communication, targeted banner ads, special promotions and other personal interactions (McMillan, 2004). 

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Covering the most important networks, it is fundamental to know how to manage them. A simplified model of the social media metrics below illustrates the four major elements of the S-O-R framework for social media mentioned earlier (Peters et al., 2013). 

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The Power of Personal Branding in Social Media Part 2

To illustrate the opportunities social media present to individuals I would like to look at some examples where everyday people have been able to create strong personal brands and become new type of celebrities- celebrities of social media. Lets first look at second biggest social media platform YouTube, it has more than a billion users, every minute more than 300 hours of videos are uploaded on the site and everyday people watch billions of videos (youtube, n.d.).

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Power of Personal Branding in Social Media Part 1

Internet emergence of Web 2.0 has tremendously empowered individuals by providing the tools for successful personal branding. The advantage of Web 2.0 is that no longer the knowledge of complex coding language is necessary, this provided anyone with the opportunity can generate their own content online, upload their pictures or videos and directly share it in virtual world. (Labrecque, Markos and Milne, 2011). The information that people generate online leaves a digital footprint that indirectly results in personal branding.  (Lampel and Bhalla 2007; Madden et al. 2007 cited in Labrecque, Markos and Milne, 2011). As such, social media has become an essential tool through which people express and present themselves and learn about others (Vazire, Gosling 2004 cited in Labrecque, Markos and Milne, 2011).

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