Native Advertising – Betrayal or Benefit? The evolving relationship between journalism and advertising and the implications for marketers

Native advertising can be a variety of online marketing types which have in common that they aim to limit disruption in the consumers' online experience (Campbell and Marks, 2015). Proponents of native advertising argue that this content provides readers with useful additional information and content choices (Carlson, 2015). However, according to research consumers are not always able to differentiate between traditional news content and native advertising (Campbell & Marks, 2015). Hence, the placement of advertising where people expect to read news raises questions in terms of journalism ethics (Carlson, 2015). 

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From fast food to pop-culture - A content marketing study of Quiznos’ Toasty.TV platform

Since the dawn of humanity, the art of storytelling has been of utmost importance. It has provided us with a knowledge pool, past on from former generations, enabling humans to understand their world as well as themselves. As stories were passed on from generation to generation they took part in the shaping of society and some of these stories live on to this day. But what was decisive in terms of deciding which story that were to survive over the years? Was it the morals or knowledge embedded in these stories?

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New Rules of the Game – How the Online Shopping Revolutionized the Consumer Buying Behavior of Luxury Goods?

This article aims to examine the role of the internet technologies and the digitalization on the consumers’ shopping behavior. The focus is on how the IT revolution influences the consumers’ choice for online or offline shopping. It is believed that the driving forces could be divided into two parts – the economic and emotional ones. The traditional brick-and-mortar shopping is related to a specific shopping experience. However, according to some researchers consumers who choose to shop online are not seeking that particular shopping experience (Hu, 2015). Furthermore, it is considered cheaper to buy online. It is also important to take into consideration the significance of the product categories. The research is limited to the luxury goods and define the influence of the IT on this branch. 

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Evolution Of The Internet & Its Impact On Consumers & Marketers

This e-paper seeks to discuss how has the internet changed consumers over the past 10 years and how can marketers best adapt to these changes. The discussion presents the evolution of the internet, consumers and what marketers need to do. Several examples of firms are also included in the discussion to illustrate the changing era of marketing and branding. Finally, we will look into what is the future for marketers of our time.

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How has Web 2.0 changed consumers, and how has the fashion retailer, ASOS, met these changes?

It’s no secret that the way the Internet is used has changed a lot in recent years.

The rise of ‘Web 2.0’ as it is known – the infrastructure that has allowed the current social experience of social media and consumer creation – has created a situation where consumers expect a richer context (Berthon, 2012). Instead of simply expecting content to be fed to them, consumers wish to interact, to collaborate and to interject – and brands should be open to this (Berthon, 2012). Web 2.0 means participation and action – there is nothing passive here.

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