Important rules brand should know to succeed in social media

As the penetration of social media is growing dynamically, and consumer eagerly spends their time being social online, brands should react to the changes and be where the consumers are. Social media is a unique environment, where users are ready to share their emotions, are opened for interaction with each other and the brands. This article provides the recommendations on what marketers and the agencies responsible for brands promotion should know and what rules should they take into consideration to succeed in social media and build strong relations with consumers. The article concludes that it is vital to adhere to all of the rules to succeed in the social media environment.

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New Update Available: Identity 2.0 (Extended version) – Part 2

In the first part we found out that we, as individuals, have an extended digital self, which consists of different objects we gather around us, including online profiles and digital re-embodiments of ourselves. Although some characteristics of our representations might not completely mirror our real self, we are able to integrate them in our identity as long as we can identify with them.

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How has the internet changed consumers over the past 10 years and how marketers can adapt?

Nowadays, 2.4 billion people around the world have access to the internet and therefore to a variety of social media platforms which enables consumers to connect and communicate with others, share, consume and create content about topics of their personal interest (Blazevic, et al., 2013). The purpose of this article is it to develop a theoretical framework of how the digital revolution, which is characterized by the development of the internet, has changed the roles between consumers and companies regarding to the information provision and procurement over the last years. The analysis will be done by reviewing existing literature and by comparing the communication behavior before the and after the advent of the internet has taken place. Furthermore, this article highlights the major opportunities and challenges that have emerged and provides suggestions of how marketers can adapt this changes to their existing marketing strategy in order reach the company goals by using company examples.

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The impact of social media on customer communication and modern day marketing

The 21st century has been characterized by various developments, shifts and changes worldwide. Many of these shifts and changes, especially within a marketing context, have been fuelled by the nowadays omnipresent Internet and all the platforms and tools found within.  Businesses need to adapt their ways of interaction with their customers and clients. Here fore, several authors offer several approaches on which path to take in order to maximize the potential offered by the World Wide Web.

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